Variable-Rate Services
CropPro is Saskatchewan's leading variable-rate service provider.
We are proud to provide our clients with SWAT MAPS, the industry's premier variable-rate fertilizer and seed program. SWAT MAPS are the foundation of all variable-rate fertilizer and seed applications and enable growers to better understand field variability in order to optimize crop inputs and profitability.
Our agronomists are experts at managing field variability and can help maximize nutrient allocation across your farm and fields, unveil your soil potential, and increase your profitability - all with your existing fertilizer budget.
Why Choose Us?
We are pioneers of the world's leading variable-rate technology
We were the first company to implement SWAT MAPS and our expertise has helped many farmers to succeed with variable-rate.
CropPro was instrumental in the development of SWAT MAPS, which is globally accepted as the premium foundation for variable-rate fertilizer and seed applications.
We are 100% independent
We are not affiliated with any machinery, equipment, retailer, manufacturer, or agronomy company.
We do not sell agriculture inputs.We work with any colour and type of equipment for prescriptions and yield maps. We have no forced bias on our advice.
Our zone maps and soil sampling have the most complete options
We do not rely on satellite imagery to determine your soil potential.
We offer maps based on soil, water, and topography data (SWAT MAPS), which is the most comprehensive soil management system on the market.
We don’t guess, we strategically soil test.
SWAT MAPS are management zone maps created using multiple layers of field data including soil, water, and topography; collected using the SWAT BOX, powered by SWAT RECORDS.
SWAT MAPS provide tremendous opportunity for benefit across the farm:
Optimize your inputs and manage your field variability
Even crop staging and maturity, improved standability, and higher quality
Boost ROI by allocating nutrients where they are needed
Generate short- and long-term improvements to farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability

What Our Clients Say
“We have been using this technology on our farm for ten years. Best maps in the industry in my opinion. Very practical and logical approach to variable rate seed and fertilizer.”

Mark Bratrud
"We farm a variety of soil types and topography usually in the same field and SWAT MAPS have really helped us improve plant stands and crop maturity. Crop grades, grain moisture, and straw management have all improved with VR seeding and fertility."

Rob Dueck
"We started working with SWAT MAPS back in 2008. It has proven its durability over 12 years of using it. It’s been an awesome experience and I wouldn't run my farm without it."

Jeff Prosko
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