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May 26, 20202 min read
Cutworms: Scouting and Management
Cutworms are a pest in many crops. Although they are most often found in canola, peas and lentils, they will also feed on cereals and other
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May 19, 20202 min read
Flea Beetles: Scouting and Management
Flea beetles were a major concern last spring in most areas of Western Canada. The combination of dry and cold weather slowed canola growth
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May 12, 20202 min read
What is a Fertility Zone?
A while ago I met with a group of agronomists and asked them this question: “From a fertility standpoint, please describe… what is a zone?”
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May 6, 20202 min read
Early Season Weed Control in Canola
Research has shown that one weed emerging with the crop has the same effect on yield as 100 weeds emerging 3 weeks later. Pre-seed/pre-emerg
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